School Policies

We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact The Principal on 5452 1062 or

Administration of Medication Policy
Anaphylaxis Policy
Asthma Policy
Attendance Policy
Bullying Prevention Policy
CCTV Privacy Notice
Camps & Excursions Policy
Child Safety Code of Conduct
Child Safety Policy
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations, Policy and Procedures
Complaints Policy
Digital Learning Policy
Duty of Care Policy
First Aid Policy
Health Care Needs Policy
Inclusion & Diversity Policy
Mobile Phone Policy
Parent Payments Policy
Personal Property Policy
Privacy Policy
Requirements for Students driving cars to school
BYOD Acceptable Use Agreement
Late Arrival
Reporting and assessment of work
Statement of Values and School Philosophy
Student Code of Conduct
Student Wellbeing & Engagement Policy
Visitors Policy
Volunteers Policy



Parents can expect the following reports and assessments.

1. Interim Report (brief) at the end of Terms I and III.

2. Detailed written reports at the end of Term II (Semester 1) and Term IV (Semester 2).

Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held at the beginning of Term II and Term IV. Progress Reports can be issued at other times at the discretion of the School or on parents’ request (please contact the House Manager).


The following guidelines apply to assessment and deadlines for all electives:

• Class teachers will set clear due dates and deadline dates, with sufficient time to complete tasks.

• A due date is the time by which a piece of work must be submitted for a graded assessment

• A deadline date is the time by which a piece of work must be submitted to be considered for a pass.

• There will be no automatic granting of extensions.

• Students are able to re-submit inadequate work, if it is re-submitted before the deadline date.

• Late submissions after the due date will be ungraded and marked S (satisfactory) or N (unsatisfactory).

• Late submissions after deadline dates will be N (unsatisfactory).

• Students must record due dates and deadline dates in their student record book.




Every member of the school community has a right to fully participate in an educational environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.

Students have the right to learn, and teachers have a right to teach, in an atmosphere that demonstrates our school values of respect, responsibility and resilience.

Student Responsibilities

Students have a responsibility to:

  • Participate fully in the school’s educational program to the best of their ability
  • Display positive behaviours that demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and all other members of the school community
  • Attend all classes with the correct materials and be ready to learn
  • Be punctual and in school uniform
  • Observe the school’s behavioural expectations and practise the school values
  • Demonstrate respect for the rights of others, including their right to learn
  • Take greater responsibility for their own learning as they move through the school, including being active members of the wider school community. This includes setting personal goals and managing resources to achieve these goals.

Student Rights

Students have the right to:

  • work in a secure environment where, without intimidation, bullying (including cyberbullying) or harassment they are able to fully develop their talents, interests and ambition
  • participate fully in the school’s educational program
  • work in a supportive environment where one’s physical and mental wellbeing is valued and developed

© 2018 Kerang Technical High School. All rights reserved.